Do you need an LLC, S-Corp, or C-Corp or a B Corporation? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Are you growing your business? Are you buying or selling your business? Are you planning on passing your business to the next generation?
Our law firm is dedicated to assist you with starting, growing, and transferring your business. We know that protecting your business and what you have worked so hard to achieve is an ongoing process. At Gromowski Law Firm, we can help you protect your business, trademarks, copyrights, contracts, and other confidential information. It will be our pleasure to help you build your business from your Vision through to the Action Plan. If you are now ready to retire, we can assist you with selling your business or transferring your hard work to the next generation.
Ask us about: LLC, Corporations, S-Corp., C-Corps, Benefit Corporations, partnerships, LP, LLP, sole proprietors, copyrights, selling business, buying business, contracts, succession planning, and growing business.